The Purpose of the Toolkit
As part of its support to OECS Member States for the 2020 round of the population and housing census (PHC), the OECS Commission, through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), commissioned the development of the OECS PHC Toolkit.
The goal of the OECS PHC Toolkit is to assemble a range of tools, guidelines and resources for the three census stages: from pre-census planning and advocacy to dissemination of census results. Ultimately, the Toolkit is expected to complement the support (technical, financial and advisory) provided to the Member States for the PHC and become the “go-to” resource for the Member States as they undertake census planning and implementation. As such, the Toolkit is not intended to void other important and indispensable aspects of census preparations and exercise such as training, consultation, or expert assistance, nor to replace international guidelines, handbooks, and recommendations.