Advancing Trade in the Eastern Caribbean

Advancing trade in the Eastern Caribbean is a priority in order to achieve the full implementation of the Eastern Caribbean Economic Union (ECCU) which was created by the Revised Treaty of Basseterre. One of the main features of the ECCU is the establishment of an OECS Customs Union, which facilitates the free circulation of goods.
In light of this context, the OECS Trade Unit is working with multiple institutions towards addressing these challenges and advancing trade in the Eastern Caribbean.
The OECS, through the Trade Unit, is mobilizing efforts to advance trade in the Eastern Caribbean region. Our priority objectives are:
- to shape OECS bilateral, regional and/or multilateral binding trade arrangements that guarantee the terms under which goods and services are traded and to ensure good governance, and
- to assist the OECS Member States to formulate and implement trade policies and negotiate trade rules and arrangements which will facilitate sustainable development.
Some of the main achievements in trade in the Eastern Caribbean are:
- A Work Programme for the St. Lucia Coalition of Service Industries that can be used as a guide for the other Member States,
- High Level Retreats to facilitate policy formulation,
- The development of a simulation model for negotiating tariff liberalisation,
- An application for Article 164 treatment,
- A Trade Policy Framework covering services, agriculture and manufacturing. It has been used as a basis for formulating proposals for the ongoing WTO negotiations,
- An Audit of Technical Resources and a Functionality Assessment to assist with institutional strengthening and reform,
- A CSME Cost/benefit Study in order to inform OECS participation in the CSME,
- An EPA Impact Study to inform the negotiating strategy for the EPA,
- Briefing documents to facilitate participation in WTO ministerial meetings,
- A study to inform the integration of gender issues into trade policy,
- Training of officials in services trade policy, intellectual property, services trade data collection,
- The development of a trade database for negotiating purposes,
- A reader entitled “Understanding International Trade” distributed to schools, libraries, embassies and the general public.
Multiple projects which aim to advance trade in the Eastern Caribbean are currently being implemented by the OECS Commission through its Trade Unit along with Ministries of the OECS Member States and regional and international agencies. The OECS Trade Unit is engaged in implementing the following programmes:
Current projects
The ACP TradeCom Programme II
The ACP TradeCom II Programme is a €3.5 million programme funded by the European Union. The ACP TradeCom II Programme is supporting the agenda of the OECS regional integration by contributing to the full implementation of the OECS Economic Union through building capacity for public and private operators in the area of trade. The overall objective of the TradeCom II Programme is to contribute to sustainable economic development and poverty reduction in countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, through closer regional integration and increased participation in the global economy. The ACP TradeCom II Programme is implemented in partnership with the International Trade Centre in the independent OECS Member States namely Antigua and Barbuda, the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The project was launched in June 2019 and should be completed by June 2022.
OECS Trade Map
The OECS Trade Map refers to a tool developed by ICT in collaboration with the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) to facilitate import and exports trade with the region. The Map offers statistics from 2001 about the trade flows that take place among OECS member countries and countries outside the region. It allows businesses to identify potential trading partners and promotes economic partnerships among OECS countries.
OECS Market Access Map
The OECS Market Access Map is another tool developed by ICT in collaboration with OECS to provide detailed and up-to-date information on trade and investment opportunities and regulation in seven OECS Countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The Map contains information of
- Good and Services in Over 190 Countries

Tariffs and Non- Tariff Measures

Tariffs and Non- Tariff Measures

The OECS Market Access Map is a valuable tool for anyone looking to do business in the OECS region, as it provides comprehensive and reliable information on the trade and investment landscape in each member country.
Hubs & Spokes Programme
The Hub & Spokes Programme was launched in 2004 by the European Union, the ACP Group Secretariat, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF). The Hub & Spokes Programme aimed at enhancing trade capacity in countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP). Thanks to this programme, regional organisations and ministries of trade of the participating OECS Member Staters benefited from the deployment of advisers and/or trade experts in order to improve their ability to develop, negotiate and implement policies and trade agreements that reflect both their priorities and promote their participation in the global trading system. The programme ended in 2019.
Access more resources on Trade in the Eastern Caribbean via the OECS Library.
The OECS has been partnering for multiple years with regional and international organisations that provide support on all matters related to trade in the Eastern Caribbean.

Delores Francis
Technical Specialist
Tel: +1 (758) 285-8328
Learn About Trade in the Eastern Caribbean
The OECS has been partnering for multiple years with regional and international organizations who provide support on all matters related to trade in the Eastern Caribbean.