Pre-Census Stage
The pre-census (sometime referred to as the pre enumeration stage) includes the management of several important operations and activities, such as strategic planning; communication and publicity, mapping, recruitment, questionnaire development, finalisation of administrative or geographical units; manual development, printing and training. The Toolkit resources for this stage of the census include resources for five phases: census planning; mapping and cartography; census office and committees; advocacy and communication; pre-test and pilot census.
Census Planning
Trading Paper for Digital Visitation Records
Template Outline for Census Project Document
Sample cover for Census Project Document
Risk Management in Census
Risk Management in Census
Importance of Census Planning
Importance of Census Planning
Mapping and Cartography
New Technologies in Census
Handbook in Geospatial Infrastructure
Global QGIS for Census
Classification and Delineation of Urban Areas
Pre-test and Pilot
Census office and committees
Outline of Census Project Document
Manual for Using CAPI in Survey Solutions
Developing the Harmonised OECS PHC Questionnaire
Census Technical Committee TOR
Census Steering Committee TOR
Census Project Management TOR
Census Grant Chart
Advocacy and Communication
Example of Census FAQ
Developing an Integrated Communications Strategy
CARICOM Draft Communication and Advocacy Strategy