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Youth Background

Solanche Robert - "Welcome to My Creative Space"

The Caribbean is a versatile place filled with an array of talents and twenty-nine year old Grenadian Solanche Robert is no exception. Her love for art stemmed from designing and creating cards as a child with basically anything that she found at home. Painter, Singer, Poet, Photographer, Illustrator, Teacher, Philanthropist and Enthusiast is who Solanche became.

She attempted her first professional piece while at T.A. Marryshow Community College in Grenada and became an Art and Design Teacher two years later.

Solanche stated that her days in poetry came as a result of her wanting to write her own songs. She has found a way to combine her three loves, writing, painting and singing. Solanche often pairs her creative pieces with a poem or short descriptive piece and I suppose sings to the melody in her head while she paints. When asked if her pieces told a specific story, the artist herself responded “I paint on my soul’s expression”.

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Remaining humbled, Ms. Robert has had her work featured in New York Daily News twice, with one particular instance where her piece celebrated Grenada’s 42nd Independence. She was granted a three months long solo exhibition at the Permanent Mission of Grenada to the United Nations and has represented Grenada at the UN on several occasions showcasing her art.

In 2007, she was awarded Vice Chancellor’s International Scholarship an award given by the DeMonfort University, Leicester, England. She was recently the illustrator of “Beyond Fables: Poetry” written by Grenadian Amy Jones. 

Solanche opened her own gallery/studio in 2013 and is currently launching new line of products which include t-shirts and collectible items. She looks forward to one day opening an ‘Arts and Healing Centre’ in Grenada to facilitate youth, especially the mentally ill and emotionally challenged individuals. This would create a safe haven for complete and holistic healing which allows persons to create, to love and to express themselves through the arts.

Solanche advices the youth to practice, practice, practice and get themselves involved with creative groups and she hopes that artists let themselves create and be creative. She leave you with this thought "Make a plan. Work with it, and even if it changes, do what the soul says!"




Here is some of Solanche's work:

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"Some days she ripens faster than others.
Her throne defined by her readiness.
She is stormed by her ability to feed the world.
She yearns for more- an opportunity to burst through the protective curtains of her soul.
She will tire but not after she has done her dues and fed all hunger.
She will come, and by a touch unexpecting!
She is pure, divine and invaluable.
She has a price, only to herself she pays."

Link to “Beyond Fables: Poetry”

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