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The Blue BioTrade regional Plan of Action for the Eastern Caribbean queen conch value chain


The Blue BioTrade regional Plan of Action for the Eastern Caribbean queen conch value chain

UNCTAD defines “BioTrade” as “…the activities of collection/production, transformation and commercialisation of goods and services derived from native nbiodiversity under criteria of environmental, social and economic sustainability”. Based on best practices, lessons learned and the successes of BioTrade’s 26 years of implementation in nearly 100 countries, and building on international mandates
and agreements on the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean and its resources, the emerging concept of Blue BioTrade has considerable potential to promote sustainability and equity in the production of marine-based goods and services, subject to the following minimum eligibility requirements

File Name: The Blue BioTrade regional Plan of Action for the Eastern Caribbean queen conch value chain.pdf
Category: Biodiversity and Ecosystems Management
Hits: 1171 Hits
Download: 618 times
Created Date: 15-07-22
Last Updated Date: 14-03-25

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