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The Eastern Caribbean Institute of Tourism Strategic Plan 2015-20


The Eastern Caribbean Institute of Tourism Strategic Plan 2015-20


This Strategic Plan details the strategic guidelines, actions and requirements for the start-up, execution and on-going operation of the Eastern Caribbean Institute of Tourism (ECIT). ECIT is a virtual & blended learning institute, which is the operationalised result of the concept for an Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Network of Excellence for Tourism and Hospitality Training and Education (NETHTE). The operationalized specifics itself are detailed in the OECS NETHTE Institutional Framework for ECIT, a separate addendum document that provides the foundational elements for the various required areas of this Strategic Plan.
The concept itself was conceived with the overall purpose of harmonizing and enhancing the competitiveness of OECS’ Tourism and Hospitality Sector through improved knowledge management and human resource development – a purpose that remains a central focus of this plan. The operationalisation of this concept through ECIT further serves to support the establishment of the Eastern Caribbean Economic Union as a single financial and economic space by deepening the level of integration and functional cooperation in tourism, the lead economic driver in the Eastern Caribbean.

File Name: OECS NETHTE ECIT Strategic Plan Final.pdf
Category: Tourism
Hits: 2058 Hits
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Created Date: 30-06-16
Last Updated Date: 03-05-21

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