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St. Vincent & the Grenadines National Tourism Sector Strategic Plan 2002-2006


St. Vincent & the Grenadines National Tourism Sector Strategic Plan 2002-2006

The document introduces the economic phenomenon of tourism and the way that Governments are fast recognising its importance in terms of job creation, the earning of foreign exchange and stimulating both economic development and diversification. Spin-off in terms of preservation of cultural heritage and the environment are also mentioned, including the reinforcement of national pride. In terms of the region, tourism growth has outpaced the global average although it is expected to slow to around 4.3 per cent over the ten-year period to 2010.

The document introduces the economic phenomenon of tourism and the way that Governments are fast recognising its importance in terms of job creation, the earning of foreign exchange and stimulating both economic development and diversification. Spin-off in terms of preservation of cultural heritage and the environment are also mentioned, including the reinforcement of national pride. In terms of the region, tourism growth has outpaced the global average although it is expected to slow to around 4.3 per cent over the ten-year period to 2010.

File Name: file_57de1cb90137c_St. Vincent & the Grenadines National Tourism Sector Strategic Plan 2002-2006opt.pdf
Category: Tourism
Hits: 2480 Hits
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Created Date: 31-12-69
Last Updated Date: 18-09-16

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