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OECS Photovoltaic Training and Certification Graduation Yearbook-02-06-2021


OECS Photovoltaic Training and Certification Graduation Yearbook-02-06-2021

The year 2021 has begun with the recommitment year 2021 has begun with a recommitment by governments and citizens to find enduring solutions that improve the quality of life for all people. Despite the new challenges brought on by the COVID-19 Pandemic during the previous year, our resolve to pursue our sustainable development goals has not weakened. On the contrary, we have redoubled our efforts as we can now better appreciate the need for us to be innovative, agile and resilient in securing our future and those of generations to come.

File Name: OECS Photovoltaic Training and Certification Graduation Yearbook-02-06-2021.pdf
Category: Sustainable Energy
Hits: 1094 Hits
Download: 125 times
Created Date: 14-06-21
Last Updated Date: 14-06-21

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