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OECS Estern Caribbean Energy Regulatory Authority (ECERA) Project


OECS Estern Caribbean Energy Regulatory Authority (ECERA) Project

The broad objective of the Eastern Caribbean Energy Regulatory Authority (ECERA) Project is to establish and operationalize a regional approach to the development of the electricity sector in the OECS by supporting the establishment of the ECERA to serve as many OECS Member States as possible. This report consits of: 1) A brief on the ECERA Project 2) Project Appraisal Document 3) Annual Operations Plan Q4 2012 - June 2014 4) Inaugural meeting of the Regional Energy Committee (REC) - Summary of Key Decisions

The broad objective of the Eastern Caribbean Energy Regulatory Authority (ECERA) Project is to establish and operationalize a regional approach to the development of the electricity sector in the OECS by supporting the establishment of the ECERA to serve as many OECS Member States as possible. This report consits of: 1) A brief on the ECERA Project 2) Project Appraisal Document 3) Annual Operations Plan Q4 2012 - June 2014 4) Inaugural meeting of the Regional Energy Committee (REC) - Summary of Key Decisions

File Name: file_57d9023dec022_OECS Estern Caribbean Energy Regulatory Authority (ECERA) Project.pdf
Category: Sustainable Energy
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Created Date: 31-12-69
Last Updated Date: 14-09-16

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