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Caribbean Efficient and Green-Energy Buildings Projects - P179519 - Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP)


Caribbean Efficient and Green-Energy Buildings Projects - P179519 - Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP)

The Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) outlines the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission's commitment to implement the Caribbean Efficient and Green-Energy Buildings Project with financing from the World Bank. The plan ensures that the project adheres to Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs) as agreed in the financing agreement.

Key aspects of the ESCP include:

- Defining material measures and actions the OECS must carry out, such as staffing, training, and monitoring, to ensure compliance with the ESSs.
- Implementation of environmental and social instruments subject to consultation and disclosure.
- Provision for adaptive management, allowing revisions to the ESCP during the project’s implementation in response to unforeseen changes or performance issues. Any revisions must be agreed upon with the Bank and promptly disclosed.

The ESCP is integrated into the financing agreement and will be updated through exchanges between the OECS and the World Bank as needed.

File Name: OECS Commission ESCP_Negotiated Version_ December_10_2024 Updated.pdf
Category: Sustainable Energy
Hits: 210 Hits
Download: 72 times
Created Date: 24-10-24
Last Updated Date: 24-10-24

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