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Poverty Risk Assessment

This Video Illustrates 

  • What is Poverty?
  • What is Poverty Risk Assessment?
  • Time Period of the Poverty Risk Assessment
  • The policies it affects that benefit the citizens of the country 

The video explains the importance of the Labour Force Survey (LFS)

The LFS produces statistics on employment circumstances.  Its purpose is to provide information on the OECS labour market which can then be used to develop, manage, evaluate and report on labour market policies. The LFS is managed by the OECS national statistics office, who use a common OECS framework that includes concepts, definitions, and a harmonised LFS questionnaire to administer to households

Assessment of the OECS RSS

The signing of the Revised Treaty of Basseterre establishing the OECS Economic Union in 2010 provided the impetus for the design of a Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics (RSDS) for the OECS region. Addressing the pressing needs for data to support the requirements of the Economic Union calls for a strategy to improve statistical capacity across the OECS, at both regional and national levels. In line with the internationally recommended strategic management approach to statistical development, the design of the RSDS involves an assessment of the regional statistical system in the OECS, with a view to establishing a comprehensive view of the situation of statistics in the region. This report is designed to provide that assessment.

This document presents a proposal for the implementation of the Sustainable Household Data Collection Programme for the Measurement of Living Standards (SDP) for the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), with the objective of generating good and frequent data to monitor different micro dimensions of well-being including poverty, as well as for measuring progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The SDP proposes to increase the frequency of data collection by developing a survey plan that involves a “progressive modular approach”. The survey plan will use a Labor Force Survey as a core module, collected every year, to which other modules will be added (socio-demographic and consumption household level modules, plus one ad hoc module depending on the needs). This will allow producing yearly data under a five-year cycle that covers a variety of development dimensions, and that has both, regional and national coverage.

Our theme Revolutionising Our Statistics | Developing Our Societies succinctly captures our vision and hints at the imperative for an integrated regional statistical system serving coordinated national statistical systems. The OECS RSDS details, charts and schedules a 14-year master plan to transform official statistics for targeted policies, decisions and programmes that the 21st century demands.

Samoa Pathway


We, the Heads of State and Government and high-level representatives, having met in Apia from 1 to 4 September 2014 at the third International Conference on Small Island Developing States, with the full participation of civil society and relevant stakeholders, reaffirm our commitment to the sustainable development of small island developing States. This can be achieved only with a broad alliance of
people, governments, civil society and the private sector all working together to achieve the future we want for present and future generations.

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