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Knowledge Background

Legal Drafting E Programme Post Activity Brochure


Legal Drafting E Programme Post Activity Brochure

The Legal Drafting e-Learning Programme is part of the Capacity Building in Legal Drafting Project that is financed by the European Union and executed by the ARCA Consortium on behalf of CARIFORUM. This project seeks to build capacity within the public sector in CARIFORUM States in the areas of treaty and legislative drafting through training and sponsorship of selected participants. The project also intends to develop a better understanding among beneficiaries of the provisions of the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) to facilitate more effective implementation of the EPA. 

This brochure shows the overview of the programme including the implementation period, the time for enrollment and the start of the learning period with a breakdown by sex, country and successful completion rate for the course. 

File Name: Legal Drafting E Programme Post Activity Brochurefinal.pdf
Category: Legal Services
Hits: 746 Hits
Download: 248 times
Created Date: 12-07-23
Last Updated Date: 12-07-23

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