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OECS Education Statistics Digest 2010-2011


OECS Education Statistics Digest 2010-2011

The 2013 Edition of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Education Statistical t Digest is the first issue in a series of what is planned to be yearly publications. The OECS Education Statistical Digest is a compilation of statistical information from the early childhood to the tertiary level of education among the OECS Member States beginning with data contained in this digest submitted by the Ministries of Education across the Member States. This edition presents details of data for the academic school year 2010 –11 in most instances, although some countries have submitted details on a more recent year.

File Name: OECS EDU STAT DIGEST 2010-11.pdf
Category: OECS Education Statistical Digest
Hits: 1787 Hits
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Created Date: 13-09-17
Last Updated Date: 05-03-20

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