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Educational Statistical Digest 2014 - 2015


Educational Statistical Digest 2014 - 2015

Education statistics provides a means for conducting both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The information garnered from such analysis is vital in assisting with the development of policy and strategies for further improving the education system. The data are useful to many audience including parents, students, teachers, development partners, academia and the media. This is the fourth release of the OECS Education Statistical Digest. Member States of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) contribute to the production of this annual report to help inform policy-makers about the progress of education in the region.

File Name: OECS EDU STAT DIGEST 2014-15.pdf
Category: OECS Education Statistical Digest
Hits: 3059 Hits
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Created Date: 24-07-17
Last Updated Date: 05-03-20

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