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Education Statistical Digest 2013-2014


Education Statistical Digest 2013-2014

In seeking these improvements we remain alert to the fact that our efforts do not merely end with the production of statistics but rather in its use both by the Commission and our various stakeholders. For this reason, we are heartened to note that the OECS States that have recently developed new Education Sector Development Plans have gone through an extensive situational analysis that is based on up-to-date education data as well as information from other relevant social and economic sectors. Also of note, is the increasing uptake of opportunities by our Education Planners and Statisticians to use simulation modelling to explore and compare the impact of implementing various policy options in the system. The new plans that have emerged from these processes are more reflective of the realities of those States and take better account of their limited human and financial resources.

File Name: OECS EDU STAT DIGEST 2013-14.pdf
Category: OECS Education Statistical Digest
Hits: 1890 Hits
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Created Date: 13-03-17
Last Updated Date: 05-03-20

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