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Knowledge Background

Integrated Operations Framework for the Early Childhood Development (ECD) Sector In the OECS Region


Integrated Operations Framework for the Early Childhood Development (ECD) Sector In  the OECS Region

In support of improving access to and the quality of early childhood development (ECD) services, the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission’s Education Development Management Unit (EDMU), in collaboration with UNICEF and the Foundation for the Development of Caribbean Children (FDCC), sought to produce an Integrated Operations Framework for the ECD Sector in the OECS. Theoretically, the Operations Framework is the systematic analysis of the functioning of inter-related activities designed to result in the effective delivery of ECD services for children from birth to five years. Through the production of this framework, the stakeholders, are in a position to identify every existing opportunity to leverage and new structures to build on in order to harmonise the systems of delivering integrated ECD services to the Caribbean’s children.

File Name: Generic Operations Framework_Final Property of OECS Commission.pdf
Category: Education
Hits: 1021 Hits
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Created Date: 09-01-18
Last Updated Date: 09-01-18

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