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This paper will attempt to analyse the levels of linkages between tourism and the agriculture and manufacturing sectors with the latter also including agro-processing and handicraft. The quantitative data available, enables a
preliminary investigation only. Information gleaned from secondary sources and from other work done within the Economic Affairs Secretariat (EAS) however, allows for some fairly firm conclusions to be drawn and
recommendations to be offered.

This report examines the cost efficiency of current leaf spot control measures, with particular emphasis on aerial spraying. and identifies constraints to more cost effective control procedures. Proposals are presented for the restructuring of various facets of the disease control process, together with the estimated costs and benefits of undertaking such changes. Organisational, financial and implementation requirements are specified for the recommended approaches.

This paper is an attempt to assess the impact of Europe 1992 on the economic relations between the european community and the Caribbean ACP states and the French DOM. While this work focuses on economic relations it is understood that political, social and cultural effects are equally relevant.

Final Surveillance Manual - Plant/Pest

The Surveillance Manual – Plant Pests “Surveillance Techniques and Skills for Plant Health Technicians” was developed because of the urgent need within the Caribbean plant health systems, for a nationally coordinated and targeted surveillance system that supports the early detection of new pests; reporting of pest free areas and areas of low pest prevalence; and enhances pest incursion responses.

As a result of a high and steadily growing rate of food imports from extra-regional sources and increasing competition on international markets for traditional products such as banana, cocoa and coconuts, OECS countries have adopted a policy of agricultural diversification. Over the past few years, and more intensely since 1988, OECS countries have been executing actions oriented towards both export development and import substitution.
With the approval of the OECS Diversification Programme by Heads of Government in St Lucia in November 1988, the four Windward Islands and Antigua and Barbuda initiated a systematic and organized attempt to increase agricultural production for national,regional and extra-regional markets.

As a result of similarities within the Sub-region in respect to institutional structure and weakness, as well as in financial and human resource needs, requests to IICA for technical cooperation have resulted in the design of a common strategy for members of IICA within the OECS structure.


This dissertation recommends solutions to the problem of marketing agricultural information effectively to a broad range of clients: agricultural planners, researchers, extension officers, exporters and farmers. The study focuses on the Market Intelligence System being developed by the Agricultural Diversification Co-ordinating Unit of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States. A methodology is developed for this System, based on a strategic approach to marketing. This involves analysis of the environment of the System; segmentation and needs assessment of its client groups; an information audit of the existing System; an analysis of market and product opportunities; and development of recommendations for a tactical marketing programme and its evaluation which reflects the priorities of the client groups. The marketing strategy developed for the case study emphasises client input and can be followed by information systems and networks in the Caribbean wishing to develop and market their services.

The UNDP Poverty Report 2000 emphasised the need for a global strategy against poverty, with more resources, a sharper focus and a stronger commitment. This paper seeks to contribute to the broad dialogue on poverty in Grenada, by initiating engagement on poverty in the agricultural sector. This dialogue would focus the issues and build commitment to poverty eradication, with the goal of formulating a well -defined poverty eradication strategy for Grenada.

Regional Pest List Manual-23-11-16

The material in this manual is an amalgamation of principles, facts, techniques, methodologies, etc. that can be found elsewhere. Every effort was taken to refer the user to the original material cited and other references for further reading, where applicable.

In using this manual, the reader is advised that the principles/methodologies/rules are stated immediately under each main headings and direct quotes/facts/techniques/skills associated with the principles/methodologies are illustrated in boxes.

This manual is not intended for sale but to be used solely for educational purposes to teach and subsequently as reference material by government’s plant protection personnel in the conduct of their duties to protect the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the wider Caribbean biodiversity from alien invasive species of plant quarantine importance.

II. Executive Summary A. Background and Rationale In recognizing the need for the urgency to address the challenges facing the agriculture sector and its development, consistent with the goal and the commitment of Member States under Article 20 of the Economic Union Protocol, the OECS Secretariat conducted an independent review of the existing Policy Framework and Strategic Plan for agriculture in 2009. The review indicated that the Policy Framework and Strategic Plan compared well to framework priorities for agriculture in the wider regional sphere and in countries with similar open economies and development challenges. However, arising out of international developments since 2004 and the difficulties encountered in the installation of the institutional arrangements for execution of the original OECS Agriculture Plan of Action, a number of critical areas for attention emerged as inputs for a reoriented OECS Agriculture programme private sector-led strategies to transform OECS agriculture by enhancing response to national and regional food and nutrition security and new trends in non-traditional agricultural exports; These include:

  • balancing the integration of poverty considerations in commercial supply chains;
  • a strategy for financing agriculture and for resource mobilization primarily for the OECS regional programme;
  • strategies to address the impacts of climate change and climate variability;
  • enabling more coherent and effective participation of OECS Member States in the regional programme through capacity building at the OECS Secretariat in programme management, monitoring and evaluation; and
  • approaches to more systematically developing synergies with CARICOM-wide agriculture.

On 30 July 2005, the sugar industry in St. Kitts and Nevis was closed resulting in the release of over one thousand workers, a figure that represents approximately twelve percent of the labour force. While basic services such as medical care, housing programmes for the more disadvantaged, and pension schemes will be supported by the government, programmes are also being put in place for retraining and retooling the displaced workers to enhance their marketability and to position them for re-entry into the general work force. This initiative aims to support, re-skill, and prepare the former employees of the St. Kitts Sugar Manufacturing Corporation (SSMC) for employment in the new growth sectors of the economy including tourism, telecommunications and information technology

Surveillance Manual - Plant Pest s and Diseases Sumattie Gosine
Chapter 1 Surveillance 1.1 Why do we need to do surveillance?

We need to do surveillance for many reasons; amongst these are the fulfilment of our international obligations as signatories to international treaties and conventions, namely:

  • The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) require its signatories to develop surveillance capabilities to facilitate transparency in international trade and preserve their biodiversity.

 The CBD is a global, comprehensive agreement addressing all aspects of biological diversity: genetic resources, species, and ecosystems. Signatories are obligated to uphold Articles 7(c), 8(l), 8(h) and 8(k) of the CBD, with regards to surveillance activities. That is, signatories must:

  • identify/ monitor/ regulate or manage activities that are likely to have significant adverse impacts on the biological diversity;
  • prevent the introduction/ control or eradicate alien species which threaten ecosystems/ habitat/ species; and
  • develop or maintain necessary legislation and/or other regulatory provisions for the protection of threatened species and populations.

The IPPC is an international treaty to secure action to:

  • prevent the spread and introduction of pests of plants and plant products, and
  • promote appropriate measures for their control whilst minimizing technical barriers to trade.
    The IPPC is governed by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures, which adopts the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs). The IPPC is one of the three standard-setting bodies whose rules are accepted by the World Trade Organization‟s (WTO) Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (the SPS Agreement) (Article 3 and Annex A: 1(c)). The IPPC is recognized as the only international standard setting body for plant health.
  • The World Trade Organization (WTO) operates a system of trade rules that provide the legal ground-rules for international commerce between nations at a global level. The WTO is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which had been in existence since 1947 as the organization overseeing the multilateral trading system.
  • The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), entered into force with the establishment of the WTO, concerns the application of food safety and animal and plant health regulations. Signatories responsibilities/obligations with regards to surveillance are outlined by IPPC Article I: 1 and 4; Article IV: 2(b), 2(e), 3(a) and 3(b); Article VII: 2(a), 2(g), 2(i), 2(j), 3, 4 and 6; Article VIII: 1(a), 1(b), and 1(c), and ISPMs No. 4, No. 6, No.8, No.10, No. 19 and No. 22.

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