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OECS 40th Anniversary

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OECS 40th Anniversary: "Onward with Regional Integration for Progress and Sustainability in the Eastern Caribbean"


OECS 40th Anniversary


This year marks four decades of advancing regional integration in the Eastern Caribbean region. The 40th Anniversary of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States gives an opportunity to all citizens of the OECS to ackowledge some of the key achievements made towards one main objective: forging one community growing together for improved lives and a better future.

Major milestones were passed in 40 years of regional integration in the Eastern Caribbean in multiple areas including education, health, social development, free movement of people and goods, trade, environmental sustainability, and cooperation among others.

A series of events will be implemented as part of the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the OECS.

Calendar of Events of the 40th Anniversary of the OECS

A series of events will be hosted as part of the celebration of four decades of regional integration in the Eastern Caribbean. The calendar of events of the 40th Anniversary of the OECS includes ten major activities.

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Official Launch

March 15 2021, 10 am

OECS Public Sector Consultation 

June 15 2021, 11 am 

Supporting Micro, Small and Medium 

Sized Enterprises (MSME’s) in the OECS 

Economic Union - Webinar Series  

June 30 2021, 2 pm 

Development Partners Symposium 

June 17 2021, 10 am 

OECS Staff Awards 

July 3 2021, 6 pm 

Thanksgiving Service

June 13 2021, 9:30 am

OECS Youth Assembly Launch  

August 2021

OECS Community Support Initiative 

(Handover Ceremony) 

July 14 2021, 10 am

OECS 40th Anniversary Che Campeche 

Production “OECS for me”

Online Premiers: 

OECS YouTube 


June 5 2021, 7 pm 


June 12 2021, 7 pm 


OECS Facebook:  

June 6 2021, 3 pm 


June 13 2021, 3 pm 


OECS Teachers Resource Book Launch - 

Building Together: A Guide to Regional 

Integration in the OECS

June 25 2021  

Co-funded by the European Union

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OECS 40th Anniversary Official Launch 

The 40th Anniversary launch will present a keynote address by the OECS 

Chairman, an address by the OECS Director General, the unveiling of the 40th 

anniversary logo and theme, the calendar of events and a presentation of the 

main anniversary event.  The Launch will be streamed live on the OECS 

Facebook and YouTube page.   


Thanksgiving Service 

Representatives from various religious persuasions will congregate to give 

thanks for the prosperity of OECS integration in the form of an ecumenical 

service.  The service will feature musical renditions, prayers for the OECS, 

individual counties of the OECS and The Spoken Word.  The service will be 

streamed live on the OECS Facebook and YouTube page. 


OECS Public Sector Consultations

The public sector is a key stakeholder of the OECS Commission.  Special 

sectoral consultations will be held for public sector officials in celebration of 

the 40th Anniversary.  These consultations will feature a keynote presentation 

on OECS sectoral deliverables and initiatives undertaken over 40 years of 

development partnerships.  The consultations will also feature a presentation 

on the state of the union, OECS integration milestone achievements, plans for 

a sustainable future and a question-and-answer segment.  


OECS Virtual Schools Book Launch

In celebration of the OECS 40th Anniversary the OECS Commission has 

published a special student handbook featuring OECS integration.  The newly 

designed OECS Regional Integration Resource Booklet seeks to raise 

awareness on the OECS and the many benefits of regional integration 

amongst secondary school students throughout the region. In a fully 

illustrated and easy to read format, the booklet also identifies lessons for 

teachers. The Resource Booklet was co-funded by the United Nations 

Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Eastern Caribbean Office, in partnership with the 

OECS Commission.


Supporting Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSME’s) in the 

OECS Economic Union - Webinar Series 

A series of webinars to observe and build awareness on the role of MSMEs in 

the sustainable economic development of the OECS, and the role of the OECS 

Commission in supporting their development.  Specifically, these webinars will 

seek to foster policy discussions on key issues confronting MSMEs in the OECS, 

examine the current situation of MSMEs contribution to the development 

goals of the OECS; and seek to envision the future of MSMEs in the OECS. The 

series will feature research presentations and business owner testimonials.  

This activity will coincide with the United Nation designated MSME Day 

recognised annually on June 27.


OECS Youth Assembly Launch  

The OECS Youth Assembly will bring together two outstanding young people 

from every OECS Member State, to discuss issues of relevance to OECS Youth, 

through the lens of the OECS Youth Strategy. The Assembly will formally 

accept the OECS Youth Strategy as the principal document guiding youth 

development interventions in the OECS region.

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OECS 40th Anniversary Che Campeche Production “OECS for me”

The OECS 40th Anniversary “OECS for me” comedy drama, featuring the 

renowned Che Campeche theatrical production team, will highlighting key 

stages of the Eastern Caribbean integration and its impact on the lives of 

everyday people living in the OECS Region.   The overall objective of this 

project is to increase awareness of the OECS Economic Union and the wider 

OECS integration movement. The project also aims to highlight some of the 

key deliverables of the OECS Commission, OECS Institutions and orgnaisation 

(namely, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, the Eastern Caribbean Supreme 

Court, the Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Authority and the Eastern 

Caribbean Telecommunication Authority).  The production is intended to 

provide information and answers questions commonly asked about the 

Organisation, for e.g., What is the OECS? How do people in the OECS benefit 

from regional integration? The two-hour production will be aired in Kweyol 

and English and premiered via the OECS YouTube and Facebook page.  The 

production will also be premiered on television via respective Government 

Information Service Channels in the OECS.  


OECS Staff Awards

The staff of the OECS Commission will gather virtually to celebrate those 

among us who have toiled the longest alongside the Commission, who 

consistently exhibit our Team Beliefs (Decide Courageously, Win Together, Be 

the Change, Walk the Talk, Sign your Name) and demonstrate the spirit of the 

OECS. The event will feature local and regional artists, poetry, competitions, 

and surprises. Staff will get an opportunity to cast their vote, bid for prizes and 

most importantly, have fun together.


OECS Community Support Initiative (Handover Ceremony) 

This special corporate social initiative aims to support the OECS Commission’s 

local community.  Devices will be donated to schools and students to enable 

them to benefit from online learning, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic 

impact, forcing closure and interruption of face-to-face learning.


OECS Virtual Schools Book Launch

In celebration of the OECS 40th Anniversary the OECS Commission has 

published a special student handbook featuring OECS integration.  The newly 

designed OECS Regional Integration Resource Booklet seeks to raise 

awareness on the OECS and the many benefits of regional integration 

amongst secondary school students throughout the region. In a fully 

illustrated and easy to read format, the booklet also identifies lessons for 

teachers. The Resource Booklet was co-funded by the United Nations 

Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Eastern Caribbean Office, in partnership with the 

OECS Commission.


Development Partners Symposium

This virtual event will engage all OECS development and private sector 

partners.  The event will feature a special presentation highlighting the 40 

years of collaborative partnerships, instrumental to pushing the OECS 

Integration agenda forward.  A panel discussion on the integrated approach for 

sustainable development and progress in the OECS will form part of the 


Key achievements of 40 years of Regional Integration in the Eastern Caribbean

On June 18, 1981, the representatives of the Governments of the WISA Council signed the Treaty of Basseterre establishing the successor to the Council - the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States. Since then, the OECS along with multiple regional and international partners have mobilized efforts to advance regional integration in the Eastern Caribbean which resulted in major key achievements as follows:


The OECS Member States decide to deepen the process of regional integration in the Eastern Caribbean when they agree to form an economic union under what is known as the Revised Treaty of Basseterre.


June 2010

The Revised Treaty of Basseterre establishing the economic union is signed on the 18th June.


The Revised Treaty of Basseterre comes into force on the 21st January, effectively operationalizing the economic union for better socio-economic outcomes for all citizens of the OECS. The countries of this economic union continue to adopt a common approach to trade, health, education and the environment, agriculture, tourism and energy among other areas.


February 2015

for the first time a French-speaking territory - Martinique, becomes Associate Member of the OECS. This accession reflects a major step forward to deepening the cooperation with French neighbouring territories and advancing regional integration in the Eastern Caribbean.  

October 2018

October 2018

March 2019

Guadeloupe becomes Associate Member of the OECS.

July 2019

Ambassador Ian Queeley is appointed to the Embassies of Eastern Caribbean States to the Kingdom of Morocco in Rabat.  

July 2019

Our partners for the 40th Anniversary of the OECS

The OECS has partnered with multiple regional and international agencies who support the activities being implemented as part of the 40th Anniversary.  

Learn more about the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) and the R.I.G.H.T Project.

 European Union LogoRIGHT Logo

User Contact the OECS 40th Anniversary Committee

All activities hosted as part of the 40th Anniversary of the OECS are coordinated by the 40th Anniversary Committee.
For more information contact:


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