The OECS Regional Health Project

Improving health capacities in the Eastern Caribbean has become even more critical in the context of a limited fiscal capacity associated with economic vulnerability. The increasing impacts of climate change have also led to a greater need for more resilient health capacities in the Eastern Caribbean.
The OECS along with multiple regional and international health institutions continues to provide support in improving health capacities in the Eastern Caribbean and strengthening the response to emergencies in public health in the Eastern Caribbean.
The OECS Regional Health Project
The OECS Regional Health Project is a five (5) year project supported by the World Bank. This project aims to improve the health capacities in the Eastern Caribbean region which will lead to an advanced response to public health emergencies.
The project commitment amount is US$30.6 million including US$21 million in International Development Association (IDA) loans to the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and US$9.6 million in grant funds to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) (US$6.6 million) and the OECS Commission (US$ 3 million).
The project runs from August 2019 to July 31, 2024.
The OECS Regional Health Project includes 4 components:
- The improvement of health facilities and laboratory capacities (budget: US$17.42 million)
- The strengthening of public health surveillance, preparedness and response (budget: US$9.27 million)
- Institutional capacity building and project management (budget: US$3.91 million)
- Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) (budget: US$0 million)
Project Status and Accomplishments to Date
- Action Plan developed for the inclusion of supply chain management of pooled Laboratory Equipment & Supplies for Member States into the routine operations of the OECS PPS.
- 67 participants trained from 4 member states in the implementation of the Minimum Initial Service Package for sexual and reproductive health & gender-based violence in emergencies and disasters in Dominica, Grenada, St Lucia & St Vincent.
- Action Plans developed for 4 member states in the implementation of the Minimum Initial Service Package for sexual and reproductive health & gender-based violence in emergencies and disasters.
- Risk Analysis and Action Plan developed for the implementation of a Single OECS Unique ID.
- Resource Budgets and Action Plans were developed to support quality management systems for Public Health Laboratories in 4 OECS member states.
- Inventory & Geodatabase of 147 Health facilities and services developed for 4 OECS Member States
- 36 Individuals Trained in basic GIS map creation & data visualization for decision-making from 6 OECS Member States
- Launched OECS GIS Server and Online Websites. and Software Licenses provided to all Member States for GIS Data Visualization.
- Revised The OECS Procurement Manuals to better meet international procurement standards, inclusive of procedures for Emergency Procurement.
- Developed a Harmonized Framework, Implementation Plan and Technical Specifications to facilitate the Harmonization of the Registration of Health Professionals across the OECS Member States.
Key Data
- 75% of the Project Lifespan Completed
- 77% Implementation Rate
- 6% of the Budget Spent and Committed
Initiatives In Progress
- Training in analysis and Use of GIS Data to enhance decision-making and emergency response.
- Regional Advocacy Campaign for Laboratory Regulation & Quality Management Systems in OECS member states.
- Development of Legislation for implementation of the OECS Unique ID System.
- Development and implementation of a PR Campaign for the OECS Unique ID System.
- Development of OECS Multihazard preparedness and response measures to guide the OECS Commission in the coordination of regional emergencies.
- Finalize Framework Agreements for emergency procurement.
- Purchase registration software and support the implementation of the Harmonization of the registration of Health Professionals across the OECS Region.
- Purchase and Stockpile Debris Clearance Kits for Multihazard Emergency Response.
Beneficiary Countries:
The OECS Regional Health Project aims to improve the preparedness capacities of health systems for public health emergencies in the Eastern Caribbean, particularly in six OECS Member States: the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
- Improving resilience and capacity of selected health facilities and laboratories to provide services to manage public health emergencies, including disease outbreaks, extreme weather events or other disasters,
- Improving surveillance and emergency response through national and regional capacities and promotion of cross-border collaboration,
- Strengthening institutional capacities in project management through capacity-building activities, training of health professionals and knowledge sharing,
- Facilitating the access of participating OECS Member States to immediate surge funding in the event of a public health emergency, such as a disease outbreak.
The improvement of preparedness capacities of health systems for public health emergencies in the Eastern Caribbean is pursued through the completion of multiple activities. Some activities include:
- Develop regional lab quality assurance, reference lab, its interoperability, and transportation and cold chain
- Develop/update protocols and harmonized procedures on infectious disease surveillance
- Strengthen Health Information System (HIS) for national data collection, Geographical Information System (GIS) for regional mapping, and regional Information Communication Technology (ICT) platform for surveillance
- Update emergency plans, biohazard waste management systems, and Emergency Operation Centres (EOCs)
- Develop training and simulation curriculum for the country-level health workforce, lab technicians, Field Epidemiology Training Programme (FETP)
Access more resources on Health in the Eastern Caribbean via the OECS Library and stay updated with the latest developments from the OECS Regional Health Project Newsletter.
The OECS has been partnering for multiple years with international agencies who support projects developed in the area of health in the Eastern Caribbean.

Anela Jean-Marc
Programme Assistant, Health Unit
Tel: +1 (758) 453-7476
Faith Harry-Jn. Baptiste
Portfolio Management Office
Tel: +1 (758) 453-7476
Paulette Popo
Senior Administrative Assistant, Education Development Management Unit
Tel: 1 (758) 453-0669
Learn more on Health in the Eastern Caribbean
The OECS is working in close collaboration with all the Ministries of its Member States on all matters related to Public Health in the Eastern Caribbean. The Council of Ministers of Health is hosted once a year. This meeting aims to harmonize the strategy in Public Health in the OECS Member states.