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Aquatic Fauna Sanctuaries

Aquatic Fauna Sanctuaries British Virgin Islands: The Baths National Park

Short Overview

The centrepiece of this dramatic area on Virgin Gorda's north shore is The Baths, a geological wonder comprised of awe-inspiring granite boulders, which form sheltered sea pools on the beach's edge. The cavernous surroundings are a result of the molten rock seeping up into the existing volcanic rock layers; because the molten rock did not reach the surface it cooled slowly and formed the hard crystalline granite layer. These massive boulders are also found at Fallen and Broken Jerusalem. A series of steps and rope handrails guide explorers along a trail through the boulders from the beach at The Baths to the sandy expanse that is Devil's Bay. This popular daytime anchorage is ideal for swimming and snorkelling. 

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