Eola Alexander is an aspiring graphic artist with a passion for regional integration. She attended the Castries Comprehensive Secondary School and went on to obtain her Associates Degree in General Studies from the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. Following her dream of being a graphic designer, she went on to pursue a CVQ in Computer Graphics at the Saint Lucia School of Arts and Design. Her interests include drawing and writing.
Eola decided to get involved with OECS YES not only because of her interests in regional integration, but it provided an avenue to share her views on the topics presented during the course of the programme.
She also wanted to heighten the awareness of the endeavours of the OECS. Her experience with the programme allowed her to discuss issues relating to the youth with her fellow group members and to also gauge the opinions of the general public. This allowed her to have a better understanding as to how member states are affected by issues such as health and education. Through this internship she was also happily able to put her graphic design talents to use and further develop her craft.