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This policy brief makes the case for the use of a Multidimensional Poverty Index  (MPI) in monitoring poverty in Jamaica, as a complement to the current money metric approach (based on consumption) which limits attention to remedial programmes geared towards lifting households above the poverty threshold. This widely used approach of moving households above some income/consumption threshold overlooks that individuals are poor in different ways and skirts broader issues for designing appropriate social protection policies/programmes. In contrast, the MPI approach has been shown to be a much more stable indicator of poverty and brings attention to the multiple dimensions of deprivation faced by households and the policies needed to address these deprivations. The MPI has four dimensions (education, living standards, employment and health) and a number of related indicators were used to demonstrate and compute the level of deprivation for Jamaica.

OECS Commission Gender Policy

This Gender Policy of the Commission of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECSC) builds on the organisational Gender Mainstreaming Policy of 2013 (GEM) and will boost efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This policy is intended not only to promote gender equality in the Eastern Caribbean but also to define key commitments, principles and expected outcomes. It is to be aspirational, inspirational and practical for both the internal operations of the OECS Commission and its external relations, including with the Member States.

Given its broader development, coordination and technical mandate, the Commission is uniquely positioned to support OECS Member States (MS) in achieving gender equality, notably by fostering women's economic empowerment, ensuring non-discrimination based on sex or gender, and promoting diversity, equity and inclusion for all, to ensure that gender is more effectively mainstreamed in all aspects of development in the region for the benefit of all individuals irrespective of sex or gender.
The ambition is for an OECS Commission that is consistently gender-responsive in its approach to development including the use of financial and technical resources for internal and external purposes.

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