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Executive Summary

This report relies primarily on first-hand information and experience gained by the project team. It has been prepared by experts from the Commonwealth Secretariat in close coordination with the European Union‟s Regional Management Office (EU-RMO), looking after an ICT business incubation project for some Eastern Caribbean states, and the OECS-EDU. In addition, the highlights and recommendations from this study was discussed at the Caribbean Regional Training Programme on Business Incubation held in St Vincent from 27-30 July 2009, conducted jointly by the Commonwealth Secretariat, EU-RMO and the World Bank Group‟s Information for Development Programme (infoDev). 



A vital industry. The competitiveness of an economy depends in large part on the efficiency of its transportation sector by allowing it to trade goods and services on a timely basis with lower transaction costs. As a region made up of island nations with small domestic markets, an efficient maritime shipping sector is particularly important for the OECS. Unfortunately, the region’s maritime shipping sector is not competitive. The World Bank estimates that transportation costs in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) as a percentage of GDP fall between 16% and 26% on average, which is significantly higher than the OECD average of 9%

OECS Shipping Study

Detailed analyses of costs, tariffs and profitability (with unit revenue information) is provided in Appendix B: “Regional shipping Industry: Costs, Tariffs and Profitability”. Neither the formal, nor informal, sectors are in positions where major investments in new vessels are either warranted or would be profitable. The concept of a “Return on Capital” is, consequently, not presently relevant. With the present under-utilisation of the existing fleet, there is clearly no need to expand existing transport capacity.


This report compiles relevant pre‐existing data including research conducted offsite, documents feedback from the producers and recommends a country strategy and action plan specific to St Vincent. A country action plan has been developed to address specific issues in St Vincent whose country strategy is built around developing local and regional markets for Vincentian craft products, as well as training to enhance production and quality of the diverse range of craft produced (from banana leaves to textile to straw, to recycled bottle caps). 


This country report for St Lucia has been prepared for the Diagnostic Review of the OECSEDU clients in the Arts & Craft Sector consultancy project. This report is the result of stakeholder consultation on September 10th 2010 a brainstorming meeting, visits to OECS‐EDU clients and other artisans in St. Lucia. Additionally, this report compiles relevant pre‐existing data, research conducted offsite, documented feedback from the producers, and recommendations on a country strategy and action plans specific to St Lucia.


The Government of Saint Lucia, with assistance provided by the Caribbean Development Bank, has developed a Medium-Term Development Strategic Plan, for the period 2011-2015. The Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs and National Development was the agency given the responsibility for the exercise and contracted Kairi Consultants to assist in the task.


The proposed Technical Assistance (TA) Plan was developed to equip the OECS‐EDU with pertinent information on areas of critical need by the arts and crafts sector in the OECS, as well as to identify sources of assistance. 

Kick off Meeting Coaching Programme

Virtual Coaching and Technical Assitance Programme for Youth Entrepreneurs

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